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Friday, October 22, 2010


That horizon between us is drifting away
The blue sky can't even describe the next morning
There is a group of idle people who can't breathe
Since when did I become like them!
I will spill out my sadness, wouldn't it be better to only look ahead
In that case I can't be the one upfront
Even if I make everyone around me my enemy, I can still see a weak light
If it really looks like I can go that far, then...
I want to breathe, It's painful here
I only look at the darkness, a diver who can't float on the water
I just want to breathe. 
If only people showed me some happiness, I won't ever drown again

we played this trick where everyone said they would take a silly face picture but really it was just one person while everyone did a normal face this was after sue and eddies birthday celebration at los cucos

dosh - everybody cheer up song

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

sleeplessness wakefulness

On my mind lately is the concept of a soulmate. not a marriage partner or significant other,
maybe something more like a life partner. a fellow soul designed to accompany ones soul in this journey of life, to share the burdens, to lift each other, to grow together and challenge each other.

I feel like in our life we can encounter many kindred spirits. someone that we can connect with at a deeper level than others more easily than others. not necessarily completely like us in personality, not necessarily someone of the opposite sex, just anyone that we can understand very easily and can be understood by without much explanation. not to say that these relationships are easy or simple, without bumps. but that all these things eventually lead to a heightened level of connection.

Lately i wonder where the boundary is between a soulmate and a kindred spirit. how do u recognize the soulmate amongst kindred spirits.

random musings from an inability to sleep

i want to be desperate for God, to be at a point where no amount of His presence is enough....

cool photo site:

song of the day:

et inquietum est cor nostrum, donec requiescat in te!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

collection of thoughts

 kinda behind i know but i cant believe gay beat bolt... pretty awesome for usa

yeah i still watch naruto every week, i love it, it has so much insight into life and determination and just like how emotional it gets sometimes. this is a screenshot from the closing credits cause i like the song and i sent this picture to my friends that can read japanese to find the song for me.

ok; so i always think of witty things or jokes or interesting statements to say always on the drive home or when im just sitting and thinking by myself. always after i leave a situation... i come up with the perfect thing to say. does anyone else have this problem? its like im socially slow or something. i want to like train myself to be faster so i can come up with this at the appropriate time not later. i know some ppl are just gifted with clever wit and timing and at this point im sure im not one... i hope i can get better, but if not oh well.

on a more serious note, i had this vision that the ems at korean churches in houston should network more and really come together for certain ministries to serve our city. dont really know what to do with this vision, it seems pretty cool i hope something comes from it. HD 1080P was really excited about the homeless ministry and somehow i naturally saw a connection to my vision. something "organic", the new old buzzword. by God's grace and His alone. thanks be to God.

not the most asthetically pleasing picture, but good times at life group/house church LGHC. pleasing to God i imagine.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

this is the best we can do, and it's more than enough for this job

Im actually glad to live so far away from everything (except splashtown and krystal burgers)...i spend on avg about 6-7 hours driving a week, completely alone with my music and Jesus only. this solitude allows me to process my thoughts, prepare for whatever im driving to, digest my experiences of the day, just think. combined with my 5-10 hours a week spent running alone without much to do but think, it all adds up to a significant portion of my life spent without a screen in front of me, without being bombarded (as much) by ads, without media aggressively vying for my attention. im thankful for that.

on a sidenote, i havent used headphones in forever, tonight i realize how dismal my laptop speakers performance is.

telepopmusik - L'Incertitude D'Heisenberg

Monday, August 16, 2010

cool links of the day man i love sharks, his other pics are cool too but i just love sharks almost won, with 10 men at that, bodes well for the new season.

jeremy messersmith singer/songwriter
freddie gibbs rapper
amiina... mellow music

im very nearsighted... this is what lights look like when i take off my glasses
during my short run today, i got tired of wiping sweat off my brow cause it gets all over my glasses and bothers me. so i just took my glasses off and ran like that. all i need to really see is the lane markers immediately in front of me, i can trust that the path is straight and wont lead me astray. then i realized in the same way, i dont have to really know what my life is going to be like 20 years from now, how God will use me then. trying to squint and see that far ahead is kind of useless cause i dont even see clearly whats directly in front of me then. i just need to trust that God will illuminate the path in front of my feet and take it one step at a time. and this actually makes the run easier because u arent looking at the hard and long road ahead, just thinking one step ahead. i have so many epiphanies while running. endorphins? maybe i just feel God's pleasure when i run. 

also on a sidenote i now have a method where i dont need to think about how many laps to run... it's genius i dunno why it took me so long to come up with it. start in the first lane, then every lap u just move to the adjacent lane; that takes u up to 2 miles and if u need more u can just run an extra 8th lane lap and move in again

telepopmusik - love can damage your health

pie in the sky bumbleberry pie!

hubcapgrill truck sticky burger with bacon and pb good... but not as good as

hubcap grill greek burger! side of sweet potato fries

Friday, July 30, 2010

fajita craving! its getting strong
i wont be able to ignore it soon
cart/truck foods!

cool links of the day: to infinity and beyond!

restaurant week is coming up!

i think i will have to cap it at 2 this year
out of my top 4 list of
cafe RDG+bar annie
III forks

let me know if youre down for any of those

Monday, June 7, 2010

its what happens when u live in spring

I just had one of the strangest encounters with a customer.
while prepping her box for shipment she asked: have u noticed a lot of black people in here lately? i was a bit confused by this but answered no maam not more than usual i think
she says seems like everytime i come in there are black people here...
i shrug my shoulders and kinda dismiss it. then as shes walking out, she turns and says be careful...those people didnt seem to be reputable if you know what i mean.

i guess im flattered by her care, but appalled by her blatant racism and apparent lack of awareness of anything wrong with it. more surprised by her openness with it than the racism itself. i believe this is the same lady that asked me last year during the people do celebrate christmas don't u?

cant wait until friday, i gotta start getting used to waking up early

Sunday, June 6, 2010

knowledge is power!

100 96 88  84 miles to go

does anyone else think that the staples center from an aerial view looks like the cobra command (gijoe) symbol?

rondos still at it, this time bynum not gortat
haha artest dribbles, turnover, next play: artest dribbles, turnover
ray allen! 7-7 from 3 i changed this like 4 times

playing: Etude for piano no. 3 in Em, chopin
reminds me of the movie 우리들의 행복한시간

el salvador

fried plantains: looks so unappetizing, but pretty good
my first papusas experience man where have they been all my life, very tasty, i dont even know whats inside

DQs strawberry with golden orero blizzard is pretty good

100 96 88 miles left to go in the month

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

feta cheese chopped kalamata olives special mayo

 saved the best for last
hubcap grill, greek burger, side of sweet potato fries

good bye national burger month
100 96 more miles to run this month

guess ill be reading a lot in the bathroom, eating fresh fruit and veggies, turkey, soul food, frozen seafood, some papayas, candy
and ill be being a man in the great outdoors

Pharmacists declare war on alcoholism month. this has got to be the most random one

might try baking some donuts tomorrow: recipe from "Dishing up delights"
listening to: gustav holst: the planets venus, the bringer of peace movement
saw the houston symphony play this last year at the dollar concert, one of the most profound musical experiences ive ever had in my lifetime.
thinking: slim fit sportscoat and slim fit shorts

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Broken window theory

Too many thoughts! too many to write...

End of national burger month
june is now salad and running month for me... 100 miles by the end of the month

planning phase of implementing the broken window theory.

listening to old school paul oakenfold tilt
good memories, saw him in concert at bar rio

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Self-analysis: can't lead because can't delegate... rather than bother others to do things i just do it myself. also can't lead because natural avoidance of responsibility... when i was young in soccer i would deliberately run actively to positions where defenders were between me and the ball so it wouldnt come to me. these days i position myself to receive the ball but i suck now so people wont pass to me haha shouldnt have avoided the challenges and feared failure when i was young, i would be so much better now if i hadnt but nothing i can do about that but practice harder. i guess i still revert to this avoidance in other areas. i wonder how i got to be like this, no blaming father or others.

improvements through broken window theory.

i really like the band 'the hoof and the heel'
so peaceful and mellow

someone left the website 'documentary heaven' open on my tabs in my chrome, thanks~! this site looks interesting and awesome, i think im going to end up investing lots of time here.

lets play a game, whos belly is it?

one of the better burgers ive had during national burger month
baked potato salad with bacon bits...genius

3 lb cinnamon roll at lulus cafe in san antonio, good memories

Friday, May 21, 2010

national hamburger month

may is national hamburger month
i said i would eat 10 burgers this month to celebrate
so far ive eaten 7, tonight i ate a burger, it almost killed me
it likely shortened my life by a good week or so

Sunday, May 9, 2010


the temperature discrepancy was back today but not as pronounced as usual...draw what conclusions u will from that

anyone tried almond joy and york pieces? really good, dont think the hersheys dark chocolate would be worth it so never tried it but york definitely is. im so addicted it's not even funny.

tight race in la liga thrilling victories today for both top teams real really making a strong statement that they deserve the title with a 5-1 victory closing the goal differential gap

3 series at 3-0 now and one at 2-1 in the second round?? man early exits for all these teams not fun... utah really had a shot tonight, at least boston better keep that series close and exciting.

good to finally see some excitement in bible study, rather than everyone checking their phones for time and getting excited about post bs activities........hope the excitement gets contagious even if it is only from a couple

Friday, May 7, 2010

why am i still awake??? i didnt feel the significant drop in temperature as i drove home today... this worries me the urban sprawl is expanding quickly!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


In a little over an hour, it will be national day of prayer...
the theme being from Nahum 1:7 "The LORD is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him."

At wednesday service today a deacon brought up the passage of 2 Chronicles 7:13-14
"When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, 14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."
He brought up some issues that occupy our nation, gay rights, abortion, wall st corruption, pollution, and on and on... then he poignantly pointed out that this passage doesnt call for people involved in these issues to repent... this passage calls out to each and everyone of us as God's people to repent, humble ourselves and turn from our wicked ways and He will deliver our nation, our land. If I seek God in prayer and cry out to Him, He will forgive my sins and heal this land. It kind of makes me wonder if ghandi took the idea from this passage when he said "be the change you want to see in the world"

so who will kneel with me and praise God and repent of our sins?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


There's this very clearly distinguished border when im driving home with my windows open... the moment i pass this border the temperature drops noticeably, i often wonder if this is caused by the urban heat island effect.

on repeat in the car stereo:
broken social scene
the ting tings
portugal, the man
the xx

haha cooky

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Interesting set of truths i came across by stefan sagmeister

Things ive learned in my life so far

Helping other people helps me
Having guts always works better for me
Thinking life will be better in the future is stupid. I have to live life now
Starting a charity is surprisingly easy
Being not truthful works against me
Everything i do always comes back to me
Assuming is stifling
Drugs feel great in the beginning and become a drag later on
Over time i get used to everything and start taking for granted
Money does not make me happy
Travelling alone is helpful for a new perspective on life
Keeping a diary supports personal development
Trying to look good limits my life
Material luxuries are best enjoyed in small doses
Worrying solves nothing
Complaining is silly. Either act or forget
Actually doing the things i set out to do increases my overall level of satisfaction
Everybody thinks they are right
Low expectations are a good strategy
Whatever i want to explore professionally, it's best to try it out for myself
Everybody who is honest is interesting

Monday, March 8, 2010


Dreamed i was an extra in a movie last night
walking around the set with no knowledge of the movie or what i was supposed to do.
Saw brad pitt sitting around a table with bunch of ppl dressed in formal garb tuxes and all.
he sees me and gets up to say hey great to see u, and shake my hand, i shook it and walk along not sure if that was part of the movie and script or if he just knew me and wanted to say hi. i have no awareness of cameras or anything outside of the movie set, just know it's a movie set. then i move into another room and i pass madonna sitting at the edge of a chaise lounge and a bright light on her from off the set. i walk between her and the light and my jaw drops while staring at her cause i just shook hands with brad pitt and ive never seen anyone as famous as him or madonna. as i walk away i fear that i just walked through a scene of the movie being shot but no one said anything including madonna so maybe i was supposed to do that or they just didnt care. then i woke up

i went back to sleep and had another dream that was interesting
but i cant remember now

oh i remember right before i woke up i dreamed that i checked my gmail right when i woke up and i got an email saying i was accepted to nyc inc marathon this year. but dont remember anything else from the dream.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


T - 99
Can't wait Can't wait!

won't be surprised when Spain finishes undefeated
too stacked
Iker casillas-best goalkeeper in the world right now
pepe reina-not a bad backup!
arbeloa, pique, capdevila, puyol, sergio ramos
xabi alonso, fabregas, xavi, iniesta, senna, busquets
david villa, torres

allstar list of world football right now, it's almost unfair
good win against france today who arent as bad as tournaments most recently past

usa too many problems in the back, feel bad for tim howard
no creativity in the middle, donovan must be spectacular for usa to have success

korea got lucky with drogba having an off night
good goals off set pieces though

big win for argentina over perpetual powerhouse germany

impressive win from senegal over an uninspired greek side

portugal great first half but bench should be ashamed of itself, should have continued to rip apart a much less gifted chinese group

CANT WAIT june 12

Monday, March 1, 2010

pretty girls that caught my eye lately: emma watson in the new burberry collection, and 한장희

i like her hair in the right picture

on a less shallow note, watched waltz with bashir today. interesting commentary on effects of ptsd on military men set in a very artistic medium. at the same time i understand the criticism of the movie that it is onesided and faultily portrays the culpable parties as the victims.

This picture was taken in a small city called 밀양. This is the city from which my namesake hails. I am a 밀양박씨. This is the biggest group of the 박 name. Also while i was in korea they released a movie called 밀양... an interesting movie albeit very strange. It chronicles a mother and her child moving to 밀양 under i forget which circumstances. She sets up a piano 학원 and does ok for herself and finds a church community (she's not a christian before this). Her child gets kidnapped by the bus driver for her 학원 and she ends up paying her entire savings and all her assets and still doesnt get her child back. Throughout this time they show her faith on the line and oscillating between trust and faith that God resolve this issue and anger towards God and denial of Him. The movie ends with a scene of her broken down after another payment to the kidnappers in her unkempt backyard having her head shaved by a male friend. FIN

i told u very peculiar.

I visited this city just to travel and experience a piece of my history even if I am not directly connected to the site through extant relatives.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

서울 강남역

Stormy day, always kind of sucks in korea cause you have to do a lot of walking.
Also, I had so many umbrellas stolen in korea.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Houston 2/21/10
weather was gorgeous
had to get out and walk around do something active, take some pictures

I was analyzing my pingpong playing while driving home...
I've come to the conclusion that even in in pingpong games i come out strong and with enthusiasm but almost always lose momentum and struggle to close out a point or a game.
In individual points... I have no trouble setting myself up for an easy finish or great shot at the very least, but often fail to capitalize on it. This makes me a great doubles partner because it's all about setting up the shot for your teammate and i set up very well.

ive always had problems finishing things in my life. I'll work on this.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

This is probably the #2 or #3 best/favorite picture ive taken
It's simply a short door in the side of a building.
But the colors, shades, textures, peeling paint, very subtle horizon between the wall and ground, composition, mysteriousness...there's so much going on here.

And that's not even touching on the subject of what's going on behind the door!

Once i went back to this same place, this same door--but it was gone.
Not gone in the literal sense, the same wall and door were there...
But i tried to replicate this picture, and this exact door was gone from the world.
Then it bothered me so i went so far as to get a print of this picture and take some measurements of the ratios of distances and bring the print to the door to try to replicate it again....but alas to no avail.

Glad i got a picture of it while i could. part of my treasure.

ps. the door leads to that candy forest with the chocolate river inside willy wonkas chocolate factory. ;-)

Come with me
And you'll be
In a world of
Pure imagination
Take a look
And you'll see
Into your imagination

We'll begin
With a spin
Traveling in
The world of my creation
What we'll see
Will defy

If you want to view paradise
Simply look around and view it
Anything you want to, do it
Wanta change the world?
There's nothing
To it

There is no
Life I know
To compare with
Pure imagination
Living there
You'll be free
If you truly wish to be

If you want to view paradise
Simply look around and view it
Anything you want to, do it
Wanta change the world?
There's nothing
To it

There is no
Life I know
To compare with
Pure imagination
Living there
You'll be free
If you truly
Wish to be

love that song

Thursday, February 18, 2010

So this was an alley in 점촌 down the street from where i lived.
I dont even know where that door at the end led to.
But the alley always drew me in, it was very magnetic.
The lighting at night, very emotive.

Passed it many a night coming home from teaching at 학원, or after 회식, or late night 피씨방 ㅋ

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

seating apparatus

Of all the pictures ive ever taken, this is by far my favorite
i like everything about it...
the harsh vignetting, the way the floor tiles are symmetrical but the wall tiles are offset
the contemporary styling of the chair itself, the bluish hues

This chair was in the outdoor patio in moma and i passed it up walking back into the building but did a double take and went back outside to quickly snap the picture.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


From a mothers day project i did
I went out and shot a collection of pictures and sent it to my mom as a flash video with a message and song embedded.

For this particular shot I had great lighting as the sun was setting and lining the banks of a stream in our town were these small flowers.

However, just passing by, u only get an overhead view and they are just flowers that arent very interesting. I descended the sloped wall to kneel on a dry part of the streambed and shot upwards to backdrop a single flower stalk against the sky with shallow depth of field for a pronounced effect.

Likewise in some of the mundane times of life, if u can just kneel and humble yourself in a lower position, u might just be able to see the mundane from a different perspective and as beautiful and meaningful.
