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Sunday, August 29, 2010

collection of thoughts

 kinda behind i know but i cant believe gay beat bolt... pretty awesome for usa

yeah i still watch naruto every week, i love it, it has so much insight into life and determination and just like how emotional it gets sometimes. this is a screenshot from the closing credits cause i like the song and i sent this picture to my friends that can read japanese to find the song for me.

ok; so i always think of witty things or jokes or interesting statements to say always on the drive home or when im just sitting and thinking by myself. always after i leave a situation... i come up with the perfect thing to say. does anyone else have this problem? its like im socially slow or something. i want to like train myself to be faster so i can come up with this at the appropriate time not later. i know some ppl are just gifted with clever wit and timing and at this point im sure im not one... i hope i can get better, but if not oh well.

on a more serious note, i had this vision that the ems at korean churches in houston should network more and really come together for certain ministries to serve our city. dont really know what to do with this vision, it seems pretty cool i hope something comes from it. HD 1080P was really excited about the homeless ministry and somehow i naturally saw a connection to my vision. something "organic", the new old buzzword. by God's grace and His alone. thanks be to God.

not the most asthetically pleasing picture, but good times at life group/house church LGHC. pleasing to God i imagine.

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